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Location: Toronto, Canada

Hello, call me Gord.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

where oh where

I found this photo on a blog for the lighting tech from a show I saw in Toronto last winter. Can you find me? It's the first opening night performance I've attended in years, so there were only about a dozen people I knew there. I drank a mickey of Jameson's before and during the play so just towards the end I had to walk across in front of the audience to get to the washroom. I think the alcohol helped with any inhibitions i might have had. The playwright/actor (who I've worked for a few times and remembered me) thought I was walking out on the show, but I told him I'd be back to catch the end. I was polite and watched the rest of the show from the wings.

While I was typing I was also cooking pancakes and this is how the last one turned out. I don't know how it happened, but doesn't it look like a heart? Ella thought so. I'm only going to post three of my Globe and Mail comments today as I have six comments all from December 21st which I want to post together tomorrow. I'm trying to keep this chronological, you see.

December 20th

Aren't wooly mammoths alive and well and currently running for political office?

Silly me, I thought it was our foreign policy that was protecting Canada. As a member of NATO with no declared Asian enemies, not even North Korea, isn't that still true?

December 19th

I am wondering now how the Skydome, paid for by Ontario taxpayers, came to be rechristened the Rogers Centre. Did someone in government or the Blue Jays organisation just run up too large a bill? Why not boycott Rogers? Couldn't Toronto residents survive without cable TV, on which Rogers has a monopoly? And I suggest that everyone switch to prepaid cellphones. I had one last year with Bell and I never had a problem like this.


Blogger Growing Opportunities said...

Hey! Got your blog address from a mutual friend. Now I can comment. I think. And I will read and follow your random thoughts and semi-coherent rants about politics... which I am most likely to agree with. Hope you are having fun!

1:38 pm  

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