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Location: Toronto, Canada

Hello, call me Gord.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

where's everybody gone?

This blog logged a thousand clicks last Friday, but in the five days since then there've been only forty, half of which might be mine just checking the layout of my recent posts. Do you all hate poetry so much? Only two more days to suffer through until the slam. I was actually at the open mic last night with Ella but I finished my Cooper's stout and Ella was getting really sleepy and it was already after ten but nothing had started yet, so we just came home. Ella fell asleep in the taxi. Maybe I'll sing my new song at the slam if there are any allowances made for musical interludes.

beer renders one invincible

nigh impotent

lugubrious and dubiously qualified
to read poems

I've got a whack of poems and a cover letter ready to mail off to Seamus Heaney c/o Faber and Faber, by the way. Can I hear a "get right on that, gord" ?


Blogger Growing Opportunities said...

Encouragement granted.

And (I say, against my instincts as an English teacher)- I don't even really like poetry. I think that deep down most people only really like their own poems because they mean more to you than anyone else. Every now and again we can recognize something in someone else's poem, but writing poety really is an exercise in narcissism.

So, of course, I write the odd poem, but I rarely read poems for fun. But some people must, or there wouldn't be a market for poetry at all.

So get publishing. And why don't you cut a demo as well? (not that I've ever heard you play)

7:29 am  
Blogger kodeureum said...

Actually, my CD release in December 2004 went rather well. I sold over half my production run at the first gig and it ended up paying for itself. No bites yet from BMG or Sony. I am considering forming a soul-tinged reality TV promoted street cred out the wazoo boy band, though. Problem is, I'm too old. Looks like it's poetry or nothing.

10:17 am  

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