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Location: Toronto, Canada

Hello, call me Gord.

Monday, January 30, 2006

well, now that's got to go!

There's definitely not enough blue in the flag. It must have been another glaring Liberal lack of accountability.

Here we go again, all the comments the Globe and Mail saw fit to post. They're getting a bit stingy these days. Some of my favourites seem to have just dissipated into the inter, or ether. Whichever.

January 26th

This may seem a bit redundant, but God bless the Pope. Doesn't the world need a little more love and charity these days?
(Pope Benedict's first encyclical. I had the last comment, number six.)

January 25th

Ah, yes. Reshaping the Canadian federation: no hidden agenda there! And here I was calmly thinking his platform was all about accountability. I guess Harper wants to be held accountable for something too. Whyever did they change their name from the Reform party? It wasn't just to appear more electable to Canadian voters, was it? I'm trusting there was no deceit involved because after all I'm just a gullible Canadian... (Mr. Harper goes to Ottawa. Number sixty-one of countless more.)

You know, when I heard the gunshots I was a bit worried it was another one of those Canadian-harboured terrorists trying to sneak in and disrupt the peace and tranquility of our neighbours to the south... (Shooting closes border. It was actually a couple of murder suspects from California trying to enter Canada.)

January 24th

I can't help but wondering what Mrs. Bronfman was doing walking along Fifth Avenue. My sympathies go out to her family who must be absolutely shattered by this horrendous twist of fate. (Philanthropist Andrea Bronfman mourned. I had the first comment posted. The sixth and last comment informed us that she had been walking her dog, and crossing the street. Shouldn't that sort of information be included in the article?)

I don't know how this exactly correlates with the article, but if Americans are actually outsourcing torture now they still haven't stopped exporting it in the form of moribund sitcoms, reality shows, entertainment "news" shows and crime dramas.
(U.S. 'outsourced' torture, Swiss investigator says. First comment!)

Succeeded by:

sudhir jain from Calgary, Canada writes:
Biggest torture Americans export is their movies. If we stopped that may be they won't have money to outsource physical torture.

blah blah from Toronto, Canada writes:
It is soul-shocking to me the lighthearted and sarcastic entries to this blog. Torture is depraved and truly evil, and for the American government to be enabling and defending it is to have, ultimately, lost the "war on terror". Canadian citizen Mahar Arar was also kidnapped, transported against his will to...blah blah blah blah blah blah


Blogger David Nicholson said...

Re: God Bless the Pope-

I've said it before (and I'm not the first...), but, anytime I see a German commanding that sort of fanatical devotion ; I think it's time to start getting nervous.

8:20 am  

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